Monday 8 October 2012

The start of something new (sort of...)

Hi there :)

I'm a second year Biomedical Sciences student and welcome to my blog. There have been many times where I have attempted to keep a blog or write daily in a diary but that usually didn't really last for long! This time however I want to blog about my journey of getting through the rest of my degree and applying to medical school. Here is hoping that I will stick to it regularly! I'm not sure where I should start but here goes.

There was a time when I was younger when I wanted to become an author. I probably attempted to write a few stories but then tore them up because I thought they were rubbish. Things that seemed great at the time of doing them didn't seem that way a few hours later or the next day. Do you remember that time when you were little and multiple careers were appealing to you? Now things have changed and I only want to study a medical degree, that is, after I have completed my biomedical sciences one.

I have applied to medicine once before during my A-levels but I wasn't successful. My GCSE's were poor, my A-levels and UKCAT were average and I probably needed more work experience. I knew I wanted to do a science degree as a back up but I wasn't sure what to go for. It most likely wasn't going to be straight sciences but perhaps something like Biochemistry or Pharmacology. Instead I went for Biomedical Sciences and I am not quite sure why. I am much better at chemistry than biology and enjoy it more too. Fortunately this degree has both aspects, although it is more biology based of course.

The university that I am at allows us to apply to one of the medical schools a year early, in our second year. Initially this was the plan, but somewhere along the line I lost track of what I wanted to do with my life. I also did terribly in my second attempt at the UKCAT. Instead of trying to do my best at getting into medical school, I solely, half-heartedly focused on my studies. There is now a huge gap on my CV and I am going to mend that this year and try to make the best application I can for medical school.

I managed to get a 2:1 last year but only just. We have nine modules this year but one of the modules only counts as 10% this year and the rest is for the final year. It has been two weeks already and I am already behind with my notes. This semester's timetable is very light compared to any timetables I have had so far. Next semester however will be absolutely crazy when I have to focus on six modules and five of them are content-heavy.

So a little bit of an explanation about why I gave my blog the name I did (aren't names hard to choose?) I think throughout my life I have avoided doing a lot of things mainly because of fear and not wanting to upset others. I really want to change that. Things I read or observe myself, gives me hope. Even if it is a little. Everyone needs some hope to cling onto sometimes right? As long as you do the work to make your dreams become true. I want to approach life in a different way so that I can achieve these dreams. :)

Funny how when I need to write for an assignment I struggle immensely but right now the words are pouring out of my fingers... This blog post feels like it's getting too long so I will wrap it up now. I hope I can use this blog to let my thoughts out, whether it is about applying to medical school, my current degree or just life in general. And maybe along the way I will find others who are embarking on a similar journey :)

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